Dev log #1: The blender

Hi there! My name is Josh, and I’m one of the developers at Evil Tortilla Games. I have the pleasure of kicking off our first ever Developer Log, so I thought I would take you guys through the creation of the blender!

A few weeks ago we released our April update, which contained a bunch of new items - among those were the blender, a multifunctional kitchen appliance that allows daddies and babies to combine any amount of items to create juicy smoothies.


Getting started

As for every item in Who’s Your Daddy, the idea behind the blender, was to design a fun and interactable item. Obviously, I wanted the blender to be able to blend babies, but I also wanted players to be able to create customized smoothies.

First step was to make anything that babies and daddies can eat blendable. The plan was to mix the colors of any items you blend as well as combine their sickness value, damage, and buffs into one drink. After this was working, we were set up to blend ANYTHING.


Next step was babies. Babies, eager to live a life of fulfillment in the shortest time possible, are YEARNING to be blended. We made sure to showcase this with a fun animation that has the happy baby climb into the blender. This design also gives daddies an opportunity to stop the baby as it climbs in. After spinning in the blender, babies are blended the same as any other item.


Other functionalities

Other than the blending mechanisms, the blender ended up with a few more functionalities:

  • You can eat the blender cup.

  • The blender can explode in the microwave.

  • A plugged in blender will explode in water.

  • Baby can sit in the blender cup and can be picked up by another player.

Some of these functionalities raised questions: “If I eat the blender cup with a baby in it, do I eat the baby?” and “If daddy puts the blender cup with the baby in his pocket, does he put the baby in the pocket as well?”

In the end, I made the baby exit the cup automatically in these scenarios. Allowing babies to eat other living babies or allowing the dad to pocket the baby away, would simply be too powerful.


During the development of the blender, I also considered adding a way for daddies to blend themselves. This would apply damage to daddy and break the blender at the same time so it could not be used again. In the end I chose to not implement this, as I felt that the blender was at a good balanced spot, useful for both the baby and daddy.


During the first testing of the blender, I stumbled upon an unfortunate issue. Since the blender can blend anything, if you blend the power cord of an item (such as the Toaster plug) it will also blend the item (the Toaster). During the first tests, this had some unpleasant repercussions, as it was possible to blend the blender’s cord which would cause the blender to blend and destroy itself. Naturally we had to fix that…



In the end, I was quite happy with the outcome of the blender. I feel like it’s well balanced, where daddies can blend in-game items to remove them from existence and babies can blend themselves out of existence. Because of its ability to create customized smoothies, it’s also an item that will add even even more functionality as we add more items to the game.

Developer @ Evil Tortilla Games